
解析:A、businesswoman got into a taxi in

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A、businesswoman got into a taxi in midtown.Because it was the rush hour and she was in a hurry to catch a{{U}} (38) {{/U}}, she suggested a quick way to{{U}} (39) {{/U}}it. "I’ve been a taxi driver for 15 years!" the driver said{{U}} (40) {{/U}}. "You don’t think I know the best way to go "
The woman tried to explain that she hadn’t{{U}} (41) {{/U}}to annoy him, but the driver kept{{U}} (42) {{/U}}She finally realized he was too annoyed to be{{U}} (43) {{/U}}. So she did the{{U}} (44) {{/U}}, "You know, you’re{{U}} (45) {{/U}}"she told him. "It must seem{{U}} (46) {{/U}}for me not to think you know the best way through the city."
{{U}} (47) {{/U}}, the driver glanced at his rider in the rearview mirror (后视镜), turned down the street she{{U}} (48) {{/U}}and got her to the train on time. "He didn’t say another word the rest of the ride," she said,"{{U}} (49) {{/U}}I got out and paid him. Then he thanked me."
When you find yourself{{U}} (50) {{/U}}with people like this taxi driver, you will always try to{{U}} (51) {{/U}}your ide
A、 This can lead to longer arguments, lost job chances and{{U}} (52) {{/U}}marriages. I’ve discovered one simple{{U}} (53) {{/U}}extremely unlikely method that can prevent the disagreement or{{U}} (54) {{/U}}difficult situation from resulting in a disaster.
The{{U}} (55) {{/U}}is to put yourself in the other person’s shoes and look for the{{U}} (56) {{/U}}in what that person is saying. Find a way to{{U}} (57) {{/U}}. The result may surprise you.
[A] strange [B] terrible [C] wrong [D] stupid

[精解] 本题考查形容词词义。strange意为“奇怪的,陌生的,生疏的”;terrible意为“很糟的,极坏的,可怕的”;wrong意为“错误的,不正当的:;stupid意为“愚蠢的,麻木的,乏味的”。根据文意,这里女商人是在承认自己刚才的做法是错误的、愚蠢的。正确的答案为D。 document.getElementById("warp").style.display="none"; document.getElementById("content").style.display="block"; 查看试题解析出处>>


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